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'Making Drumchapel the best place in Scotland to grow up'

The Drumchapel Children & Family Network  brings together local professionals working with early years and their families including Health(health visiting, specialist children's services & health improvement), Third Sector, Social Work, Education(nursery & primary), Police, Housing, Glasgow Life and Thriving Places. The network is supported by Local Co-ordinators at Children's Neighbourhood Scotland and we use the quality improvement methodology of the Children & Young People's Improvement Collaborative and are supported by an Improvement Advisor with the Scottish Government. Led by the voices and input of children and families, the aim is to create spaces to get to know each other, share good practice, identify and test new innovative practice and ultimately to redesign the system supporting children and families to ensure outcomes for children and families are improved. The network also leads on collaborative work to make Drumchapel a trauma-informed community. 

Since its launch in April 2015, the network has engaged with over 50 organisations and over 300 people from across all the agencies. With diverse activities including regular network meetings, speakers and film screenings, networking opportunities including huddle groups, discussions and training programmes, the network is working toward 'making Drumchapel the best place in Scotland to grow up'. 

This is a link to an animation that was created about the network and interviews with some past and present planning group members discussing the aims and the difference the network makes:

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